Adil Ka’talino, the Winner of IKN Design Competition in the Judiciary Category

Adil Ka’talino, the Winner of IKN Design Competition in the Judiciary Category

By vira

The Judiciary Category in the IKN Design Competition is won by a renowned architecture and design company, Airmas Asri, with their design titled Adil Ka’talino. The judiciary complex consists of MA (Mahkamah Agung/Supreme Court), MK (Mahkamah Konstitusi/Constitutional Court) and KY (Komisi Yudisial/Judicial Commission).

The MK building will be located on the highest point in the area with undulating contour, facing the Presidential Palace. In between the three judiciary buildings there will be Plaza Keadilan (Justice Plaza) which will synergise with the three key buildings. And the whole judiciary area is located right at the ‘tripraja’ praxis, philosophically representing noble values, human and nature.

Justice Plaza

To create a convenient area for working, the ‘forest city’ concept of IKN will be realised by planting trees predominantly original from Kalimantan, including those that are already rare. Green roof and green walls will also be implemented on the buildings to replace the green area being used for the buildings. To cool off the interior, the building façade will be built with double skin that shades the whole building evenly. The fin-like façade takes reference from Dayak’s shield shape as one of the locality interpretation.

Left: Constitutional Court, Right: Mosque

The name Adil Ka’talino literally means ‘must be fair to all humans’ in Dayak language. With institutions that hold a very important role in keeping justice in the country, we hope all the symbols and representations of the complex are embodied in the system as well.

Supreme Court
Plaza MA (Supreme Court)
Judicial Commission

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