Exploring Ireland’s Eye


In collaboration with ISA Art and Design, the Embassy of Ireland in Indonesia and Jakarta Land present "Ireland's Eye," an art exhibition featuring six emerging artists whose artistic talents were forged in the postgraduate Fine Art studies in Dublin, Ireland. The inspiring artworks are showcased at World Trade Center 2 Jakarta from March 17th to June 17th, 2022.

Written by Iman Hidajat. Photos by Prefinite Communications.

Using a variety of artistic approaches, the six talented artists grapple with fundamental questions that confront us all, such as what defines our individual and collective identities; and whether childhood memories, objects from our past, gendered bodies, parenthood, or a sense of place and 'home' shape who we are. These six artists explore how we represent ourselves in a 'place' like Ireland in this exhibition.

These artists are Anishta Chooramun, Jamie Cross, Louis Haugh, Vanessa Jones, Bara Palcik, and Ciara Roche, originally from Mauritius, Cavan, Dublin, Tennessee, the Czech Republic, and Wexford, respectively. They bring a nuanced and fresh approach to these questions of individuality and globalization, history and identity, and how artists create works about themselves and the places they call 'home' in the 21st century.

Curated by Mark Joyce (@mark_joyce_) from the Institute of Art, Design, and Technology and Dr. Sarah Durcan (@durcansarah) of the National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Mata Irlandia, or 'Ireland's Eye,' is a new exhibition exploring the idea of the visual arts as a critical 'eye' on an increasingly connected yet polarizing world.

A painting by Ciara Roche.
HE Ambassador Pádraig Francis officiated the exhibition
Deborah Iskandar of ISA Art and Design

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