Harmonizing Exhibition by Nusae

By vira

Nusaé, Bandung-based graphic design studio, specialises in visual information encompassing environmental graphic design, signage systems, editorial design, user interface, and branding. In their professional practice, they always bring the value of harmony and harmonization, which is reflected in various project contexts and artistic mediums.

Harmonizing exhibition at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta
L to R: Rizki Supratman (curator), Andra Matin (exhibition advisor), Andi Rahmat (principal designer and director at Nusae)

Celebrating a decade of collaborative work, Nusae holds an exhibition titled "Harmonizing”, which is open for public on 1-16 June 2024 at Galeri Emiria Soenassa, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta. A talk show at the opening event on 31 May 2024 featured Andi Rahmat, the principal designer and director at Nusae, Andra Matin as the exhibition advisor, and Rizki Supratman as the curator.

Projects with Uma Nusantara (lef) and Andra Matin (right)
"Menuju Tubaba" project (on red display table) and various signage projects

The exhibition displays Nusae’s works that have been featured in museum, train stations, national banks, coffee shops and new cities, and many other places, in collaboration with government agencies, architectural bureaus, and fashion houses. The showcased projects include the city branding project "Menuju Tubaba," the visual renewal of Peggy Hartanto fashion house, and the installation work "Elevation" by architecture studio Andramatin.

During the exhibition period, some discussions with industry figures from Indonesia and Japan, curatorial tours, as well as workshops for children are taking place.

First day of exhibition

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