Homey Showroom Opening



It was an honor to host the grand opening of Visma Gallery and StellaMobili and Biefbi’s new showrooms location.

Located at a comfortable house setting, each showroom is separated different rooms and floors, letting guests experience the whole homey atmosphere as they toured the area. After ribbon cutting done by Teja Lesmana’s family, guests were seated and witnessed a warm welcome by Lina Gan (Indonesia Design), Teja Lesmana (Visma Gallery), Jason Cheung (BIKA) and Francesco Battistelli (Biefbi Cucine). Delicious Japanese catering was later served as guests enjoyed Visma Gallery’s Dhaksa Rupa art exhibition, which showcased contemporary artists including Gusti Nengah Nurata, Made Budhiana, Made Wianta, Lucia Hartini, Sutjipto Adi, Asri Nugroho, Agung Suryanto, Bambang BP, Joko Pramono, and Tri Wahono. Lucy door prize winners brought home pillows, towels, lamps by Misoni from BIKA, sofas & lounge set by PT. Bumi Rotan Jaya, paintings by Entang Wiharso & Erica Hestu Wahyuni from Visma Art Gallery, and portable coffee maker and knife set by Ariston. Lots of reasons to celebrate this joyful, honorable moment indeed!

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