Interiors by David Lynch. A Thinking Room – An Installation at Salone del Mobile.Milano 2024

Interiors by David Lynch. A Thinking Room – An Installation at Salone del Mobile.Milano 2024

By vira

Photos from Salone del Mobile.Milano

At the 62nd edition of Salone del Mobile.Milano, visitors can immerse in the installation designed by David Lynch, a renowned film director. Harnessing the scenographic language of film and theatre, the installation consists of two relatively small rooms with a large central armchair equipped with writing and painting tools. The chair is connected to the ceiling with seven cylinders. Around it, a few images chosen by the filmmaker are placed on the blue undulating walls, as well as a mirror and a clock.

Curated by Antonio Monda, the rooms provide an experience of silence and reflection, in search of a meaning and a connection with the space and with others. The ability to be in a room like this is to free the heart and mind, to cast opinions, assumptions and prejudices aside so that other spaces, other possibilities, can be revealed, new thoughts, perceptions, images and sensations can be welcomed. Perhaps, these blue rooms prepare us for the next experience, that of the Salone, in a more conscious, profound and concentrated way.

David Lynch said: “Even thinking about A Thinking Room is nice to think about. A room conducive to thinking.”

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