Ruang Mimpi, A New Website and The Colours of Indonesia Exhibition by ID12

Ruang Mimpi, A New Website and The Colours of Indonesia Exhibition by ID12

By vira

A few good news came from twelve Indonesian interior designers who are united in a group called ID12. They recently launched a website, an immersive installation, and announced the next exhibition of The Colours of Indonesia.

The New Website

ID12 is Agam Riadi, Anita Boentarman, Ary Juwono, Eko Priharseno, Joke Roos, Prasetio Budhi, Reza Wahyudi, Roland Adam, Sammy Hendramianto S., Shirley Gouw, Vivianne Faye and Yuni Jie. They have been friends for 15 years and finally decided to launch a website about their works, collaborations and a bit of their history. The website is, which stands for The Colours of Indonesia, a biennial exhibition masterminded by ID12 where their ideas of world class design are presented.

At the press conference of Ruang Mimpi

The Colours of Indonesia Exhibition

The first TCOI exhibition was in 2014. Having to skip the fourth one in 2020 due to pandemic, the exhibition is now back with TCOI Chapter V that will start from 19-30 September 2022. Like the previous ones, it is going to be at the atrium of Senayan City, Jakarta.

The exhibition concept will be residential design and will be divided into two styles, Modern and Modern Classic. “There is no specific theme, it’s just how each of us has been responding to the pandemic on a personal level,” Ary Juwono, head of TCOI Chapter V, explained at the press conference on 23 August 2022. It will cover almost 650 m2 area of the atrium and will be built by at least 800 workers starting on D-5.

Eko Priharseno dan Ary Juwono

Ruang Mimpi

Warming up for the exhibition, ID12 created a video mapping installation called “Ruang Mimpi” (Dream Scape). “It is an introduction to elements of interior design, where people of any age, even little kids, can see the variety of shapes, colours, texture and perspective,” Eko Priharseno, as the Head of Creative of TCOI Chapter V, explained. The installation is located in G-10 Floor Ground, Senayan City, and open for public starting on 24 August 2022. The entrance ticket can be purchased on

Inside the installation

Photos by Tim Muara Bagdja

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