Topeng: Masks of Incarnation



STORY BY Robin Jack

Everywhere. On the island of Bali, arts and crafts are everywhere! In general, over-exposure of specifics lead to devaluation: devaluation of value, of quality, of validation. But not on Bali, the island’s arts and crafts are vividly alive. And one may claim that Bali’s arts and crafts are protected by the Gods who inhabit the island. Even more: Bali’s arts and crafts are its Gods: living incarnations of numerous entities that manifest themselves upon the call of the Balinese!

Visiting ‘The Island of the Gods’ as Bali is so often referred to, one just cannot miss the numerous offerings to Gods, Spirits, Entities and Forces the Balinese still worship in every part of daily life’s activities. “One of the main reasons we have to provide a token of acknowledgement/worship to all of the unseen around us is that if we acknowledge their existence, they are happy and help us ease our daily life”, any Balinese will explain.

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