Aesthetic Indoor Plants to Destress at Home (with Easy Care Tips)


Constantly staying at home to self-quarantine might make you feel stuffy. Scientific studies suggest that greenery could do wonders for improving your well-being, so indoor gardening can go a long way. Not to mention, several houseplants could purify the air and make the home more aesthetic. Check out these goof-proof indoor plants to liven up your living space.

Beautiful jungle | Source:

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Sansevieria trifasciata looks contrast with white wall | Source:‌‌

In Indonesia, this indoor plant is best known as the “mother in law tongue”. The curious term probably comes from its sharp leaves that resemble a sharp tongue. It's this unique shape that makes the snake plant aesthetically appealing as an interior decoration piece at home. It's also one of the few houseplants that can purify the air by converting CO2 into oxygen. If you're a new plant parent, this is the best plant to get as it can survive without water for up to 8 weeks.

How to care: The Sansevieria trifasciata could survive in any light condition. And the best place to put this plant is in narrow spaces or tight corners, considering its leaves grow upright. Or, set it by your bedside so it's the first thing to see and hopefully cheer you up with good vibes only.

Mother in law tongue in bedroom | Source:

Dumb Canes (Dieffenbachia)

Dumb Canes is not that dumb inside the home | Source:

This tropical plant will look pretty inside your living room or any space with room-to-warmer temperatures. This low-maintenance greenery also could absorb carbon dioxide and, subsequently improve indoor air quality. Oh did we forget to mention the charming part? Its large, thick leaves are strikingly stunning with some mixture of green, white, and yellow.

How to care: Adopting Dieffenbachia will require you to water it on a regular basis, not forgetting to let the soil dry. That’s why it’s best planted in a well-drained pot and a relatively high humidity area. When the plant gets too leggy and wide, you know what to do, cut some of the unhealthy stems or trim the leaves as you wish.

Devil’s Ivy (Epipremnum aureum)

Hanging and climbing of Devils Ivy | Source:‌‌‌‌

Epipremnum aureum is also known as the devil’s ivy or devil's vine. All of these names are derived from the fact that the houseplant almost impossible to kill and stays as evergreen vine even in the dark. As a hanging foliage, it could grow in all directions. Also, thanks to its heart-shaped leaves with white, silver, or yellow dots, or a flame motifs, this dainty plant stands out in your home.

How to care: Green thumbs truly love this hanging indoor plant since it doesn’t demand too much fuss. Plant the devil's ivy in a hanging basket or on a high shelf to allow its vines and leaves to cascade down for the best view and growth. Last but not the least, keep it moist but allow the soil to dry out between each weekly watering time and put in indirect light.

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

ZZ plant in a classic jute pot | Source:‌‌

Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant is one of the easiest of all indoor beauties to grow, especially if you’re looking for something that would continue to look healthy with minimal effort. ZZ plants look so healthy you might mistake them for a fake one. On top of that, this rhizome plant is a great tool to remove toxins in the air, like benzene, xylene, and toluene.

How to care: ZZ is simple to care for. In fact, they grow best when left alone as long as there’s low exposure to sunlight. Water thoroughly when fully dry be careful not to overwater it.

Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)

Aleo vera for table decor | Source:‌‌

There are endless reasons to start indoor gardening. But for those who would like a health benefit, aloe vera is our honourable mention. Not only is this green foliage easy to care for, but it’s also a lit herbal medicine. Think about all the sheet masks, shampoos or soothing gels made from its extract. Aloe vera also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits so you could say it's a lifesaver of a plant.

How to care: Just put the plant in a bright spot (direct or indirect light) and only water it every three weeks.

Monstera Deliciosa

Enormous monstera | Source:

The name of this houseplant is similar to "monster", but let's all admire the gorgeous look of its natural leaf splits. The literal meaning of the plant is 'delicious monster', which indicates that the the fruit is edible, though you still have to beware the side effect if you eat it unripe. A fun fact about this plant, when grown in an ideal condition and plenty of light, the mature leafs will split.

How to care: Monstera deliciosa is a play hard to get plant. It would require special treatment since it would only quickly grow in peaty soils, in a pot that has good drainage. Aerate the soil before watering, and only water once a week when the soil is dry.

Monstera in the living room | Source:‌‌

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum)

Peace Lily makes room peaceful | Source:‌‌

Looking for the best indoor plant for air purification? Peace lily is a great choice according to the NASA Clean Air Study. Native to Americas tropics and southeastern Asia, this flora has received a huge hype across the world. Who could resist its elegant look though? The striking contrast between the dark green lance-shaped leaves and the creamy white spathe and also the pale yellow spadix makes it a sophisticated addition to any room.

How to care: As long as you don’t expose it to the direct sunlight and overwater, peace lily will make you feel peaceful.


A bunch of succulent | Source:

If you’re too lazy to manage an indoor garden, but in some ways still need a bit of green at home, pick a cactus. Commonly known as the cat of the plant universe, these plants are almost better off without amateur hands up in its business. Apart from their independence, there are also numerous perks of having cactuses in your indoor garden. From purifying air by expelling oxygen and taking in carbon dioxide, to boosting your mood, cacti are good passive and low-maintenance plants to own.

How to care: You don’t have to water succulents all the time, otherwise it won't survive. Cacti are suited to a desert-like climate, so in Indonesia where it's humid, water every 3-4 weeks and place in a brightly lit space.

Cacti themed room | Source:


Three bonsais are better than one | Source:

A touch of Japanese style could help bring zen into your home, especially after a rough day. With that in mind, try decorating your home with an indoor bonsai tree, another plant that's tolerant to neglect. This is also one of the only times you'll have an entire tree indoors that doesn't take up that much space. If you're looking for a potential lifelong companion, this is your pick. Some say pruning away old leaves could be very meditative. The most effective species to miniaturise include Ficus salicifolia, Ficus benjamin, and Crassula ovata.

How to care: These houseplants thrive in a brightly lit spot that stimulates rainforest environment. Water when soil is slightly dry and don't forget to pick the right soil - it has to be loose and composed of gravels.

Bonsai inside contemporary room | Source:

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Awal Hidayat