Sasana Swara Nusantara, Also A Winner in the Legislative Office Complex Design Competition

Sasana Swara Nusantara, Also A Winner in the Legislative Office Complex Design Competition

By vira

We have featured Airmas Asri’s winning design previously. Now here is another winning concept from them, the Sasana Swara Nusantara. It shares the highest position in the winning scheme with Rajut Swara Indonesia by Arkonin in the Legislative Office Complex category. More details about the design as follows.

Green spaces surrounding the buildings.

Sasana Swara Nusantara comprises the MPR (People's Consultative Assembly) building, DPR (House of People’s Representatives) building, DPD (Regional Representative Council) building, the Plenary Hall, Plaza of Democracy and various common facilities from the house of worship to amphitheatre and a few gardens.

Circular shaped buildings symbolise unity and deliberation activities.

The circular and centralised shape symbolises unity and deliberation activities in order to reach a consensus. The central point area is called the Serambi Musyawarah or Veranda of Deliberation. In the middle there is a People’s Mandate monument, which is meant to remind the representatives of their duty to the people.

The Plenary Hall

The buildings are close to each other to simplify the room organisation. It also blocks some areas from getting too much heat from the sun. The operable windows and mechanical ventilation can decrease the use of air conditioner. The atrium skylight helps to add natural lighting, and the openings on the roof helps the wind movement from the top to the bottom. Inner garden in between the buildings create a more comfortable micro climate, while the sky gardens on the upper floors can be a place where people interact and collaborate.

Inner gardens between towers to create a more comfortable micro climate.
The whole complex with Veranda of Deliberation and People's Mandate Monument in the centre.

Also check out Huma Betang Umai, the winner in the Vice President’s Palace category.

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